
AFAS Center for the Arts

The AFAS Center for the Arts is a result of many site plan and floor plan test fits that responded to the needs of the client, and the need to create a physical extension for ARTivity on the Green. The byproduct of those test fits yielded a three-story, 15,000 SF structure that warranted a public and transparent ground floor for Red Dog Gallery and Studio 2 to feature artwork from over 400 AFAS member artists. The ground floor galleries are wrapped on the perimeter with floor to ceiling glass to maximize views of the park; while also putting the artwork on display for passing pedestrians. The ground floor level is rotated counterclockwise off axis from the city grid and pulled back from the property line to create an “Alley Gallery” between the building and the park.

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  • 2017
    AIA WS Honor Award
    AFAS Center for the Arts
  • 2020
    AIA North Carolina Merit Award
    AFAS Center for the Arts

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